Urbanist, Futurist, Speaker


GREG LINDSAY is a generalist, urbanist, futurist, and speaker.

GREG LINDSAY is a non-resident senior fellow of MIT’s Future Urban Collectives Lab, Ari­zo­na State University’s Threat­cast­ing Lab, and the Atlan­tic Council’s Scow­croft Stra­te­gy Ini­tia­tive. He was the foun­ding chief com­mu­nica­tions offi­cer of AlphaGeo and remains a senior advi­sor. Most re­cen­tly, he was a 2022-2023 urban tech fellow at Cor­nell Tech’s Jacobs Insti­tute, where he ex­plo­­red the impli­cations of AI and aug­men­ted rea­lity at urban scale.

Greg speaks about the future of cities, mobility, tech­no­logy, security, and work, inclu­ding appea­ran­ces at 10 Down­ing Street, the United States Mili­tary Aca­de­my, San­dia Natio­nal Labo­ra­to­ries, Orga­ni­sa­tion for Eco­no­­mic Co-oper­a­tion and Deve­lop­ment, Har­vard Busi­ness School, MIT Media Lab, and Aspen Ideas Festival.

He also speaks to companies (Micro­soft, Deloitte, Gensler, Ford, Star­­bucks), orga­ni­za­tions (U.S. Confe­ren­ce of Mayors, Canada Council for the Arts), mem­ber asso­cia­tions (ULI, NAHB, NAI­OP, SIOR) and uni­ver­sities (Harvard, Yale, Prin­ce­ton, NYU, McGill).

He’s been cited as an expert by The New York Times, The Washing­ton Post, The Wall Street Jour­­­nal, The Guar­dian, USA Today, CNN, NPR, BBC, and CBC Radio.

Greg’s also a part­ner at the advi­sory firm Future­Map, and has advi­sed Intel, Sam­sung, IKEA, Star­bucks, Audi, Hyun­dai, Tish­man Spe­yer, Brit­ish Land, André Ba­lazs Proper­ties, Aldar, Emaar, and Expo 2020, along with nume­rous G20 govern­­ment entities. Pre­viously, he was urbanist-in-resi­den­ce at BMW MINI’s urban tech acce­le­ra­tor, URBAN-­X, as well as direc­tor of applied re­search at New­Cities and foun­ding direc­tor of stra­te­gy at its mobi­lity-focused off­shoot, Co­Motion.

The Way We’ll Live Next
, 2011

Greg’s work with Studio Gang Architects on the future of subur­bia was exhibi­ted at New York City’s MoMA in 2012. His work has also been exhi­bited at the 15th, 16th, and 17th Venice Archi­tec­ture Bien­nales, the Inter­na­tio­nal Archi­tecture Bien­nale Rotter­dam, and Habi­tat III. He was guest cura­tor of the 2018 and 2019 editions of reSITE.

He was a contribu­ting wri­ter for Fast Com­pa­ny and Fortune, and editor-at-large for Adver­ti­sing Age. He is co-author of the 2011 inter­na­tional best­sel­l­ing book, Aero­tro­po­lis: The Way We’ll Live Next. His writing has also appeared in titles such as The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Bloom­berg Business­Week, Har­vard Busi­ness Re­view, The Finan­cial Times, Mc­Kin­sey Quar­terly, Time, Wired, The Atlan­tic, The New Repu­­blic, New York, Slate, Quartz, Inc., Politico, The Eco­no­mist Group, The World Eco­nomic Forum, The Nikkei Asian Review, World Poli­cy Jour­nal, and Next City.

Greg is a two-time Jeopardy!
cham­pion (and the
only human to go unde­fea­ted
against IBM’s Watson).